NYS Obstetric Hemorrhage Project 2021 Quality Improvement Award
St. Mary’s Healthcare is the recipient of the NYS Obstetric Hemorrhage Project 2021 Quality Improvement Award. This award recognizes St. Mary’s participation in the NYS Obstetric Hemorrhage Project and their dedicated work to meet the project’s goal of assessing at least 85% of patients on admission to the birth hospitalization and during the postpartum period for risk of obstetric hemorrhage. As a project participant, St. Mary’s Healthcare worked to improve readiness to respond to an obstetric hemorrhage by implementing standardized policies and procedures; develop rapid response teams; improve recognition of obstetric hemorrhage by performing regular on-site multi-disciplinary hemorrhage drills; and improve reporting of obstetric hemorrhage by using standardized definitions, resulting in consistent coding.
St. Mary’s staff was commended for their exemplary work and commitment to this important cause. A quote from Scott Bruce, St. Mary’s Healthcare President and CEO reads: “What an outstanding achievement by the entire team in Maternity to elevate the level of care like this for our community! The statewide improvement in hemorrhage risk assessment, and reducing maternal morbidity and mortality is incredibly impressive, and it is great to see St. Marys’ contribution to that achievement recognized. Thank you very much for the efforts of the entire team and what they do every day to set the standard for care in our community!”